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About Divinely True Tarot

Hello Everyone! My name is Annetta Abraham and I am a gifted energy reader that has created Divinely True Tarot. I started reading Tarot in the summer of 2018 as a tool to read the energy that I see with my 3rd eye’s mind. I have always been clairvoyant and clairaudient since I could remember, even when I was a child. For me to see beyond the veil has always been normal to me and I have always Honored and Nurtured my gifts of the Holy Spirit with Love, Compassion, Gratitude for the Most High God.


I started my YouTube channel on May 11, 2020, for The Sole Purpose of creating a platform where people can come and receive Divine Guidance and Assistance with their healing journey through the hurt and pains in life that LOVE has caused. I help guide anyone who comes across my channel and is open to receive the message that is for them if it resonates with them. THE CHANNEL IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE TO MAKE LIFE CHANGING DECISIONS JUST BASED ON MY VIDEOS.


This is why I have this website, I want people to come and get the spiritual help they need to heal on their life’s journey. Within 6 months of creating the Divinely True Tarot YouTube channel, I have created and launched a metaphysical Pop-Up Shop named SRUB (Spiritual Relief Uniquely Beaded) there you can purchase healing bracelets, decorative waist bead jewelry, natural stone rings, candles, sage sticks, palo santos, florida water, etc.


With the creation of this website we now can bring these products to your doorstep. We will be growing the products that will be available in the future for your spiritual needs. WE WILL HEAL AND WE WILL GROW! Thank you for visiting us on our website!


Our mission at Divinely True Tarot is to provide you with the tools you need to achieve your goals on your Spiritual Journey in this lifetime. I am dedicated to serve you with the knowledge and wisdom it takes to heal from the hurts and pains we endure in everyday life. We are here to help you heal and move forward on your Soul's Journey.


We will walk through the healing process together by becoming one with The Most High God. The Holy Spirit and Holy Angels are to comfort us and guide us down the righteous path of healing, in order for the vibrations of Love to heal the world.

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